In a quiet town where the most dramatic stories are found on bookshelves, a real-life horror unfolds. The local library, once a sanctuary of knowledge, now becomes the epicentre of a chilling mystery as staff members meet untimely ends. These were ordinary individuals, deeply embedded in their daily routines, now silenced forever. Yet, every death tells a story. Behind the façade of daily transactions and book returns lurk secrets desperate to remain unread. Someone harbours a truth so dark, they’re willing to kill to keep it. Who holds such a deadly secret? And who will be the next to reach their story’s ominous conclusion in The Final Chapter for Some?
Patricia Bevin was born and raised in Northamptonshire where she still lives. She is married to Keith and has three grown-up sons and two grandsons. In 1977, she qualified as a state registered nurse. Apart from breaks to have her children, she spent her professional life working in nursing homes where she was a registered manager for over thirty years. This is her third crime novel and she has also written a children’s book.