This image is the cover for the book Mishkins


“It is my privilege and pleasure to recommend Mishkins as a book of fascinating interest not only for children and young people but for adults also. Told with great sensitivity Mishkins is a story which has deep meaning far beyond the adventures of a much-loved cuddly toy. The message of Mishkins reaches across the generations and its truth is timeless. I am confident that the stories and adventures of a cuddly toy in these pages will point the reader to the great truths of belief and faith which make sense of life in a world of confusion and doubt…” The Right Reverend Robin Eames, former Archbishop of Armagh. “The story of Mishkins is a warm-hearted tale tackling some challenging topics. Set inthe 19th century, it creatively introduces children to loss, the hard realities of life in poorer regions of the world and the slave trade. It will give rise to many questions but is woven through with faith in a God who loves all that He created and who can be trusted even in very troubled times.” Jenny Smyth, Director of Mission, CMS Ireland.

Cecil Wilson

Cecil Wilson was Ordained into the Ministry of the Church of Ireland in 1969. After serving two Curacies he joined the staff of the Church Mission Society Ireland and became Director of Mission in 1987. He was appointed a Canon of St Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast in 2000. Following his retirement in 2007 he was invited to look after a number of vacant Parishes and was a member of Down Cathedral Ministry Team until he finally retired on the 50th anniversary of his ordination.