The Wolf Strikes Back In the simple town of Vadovara, a peaceful heaven of Gujarat State of India, a farmer’s family lives. Like every other family, Ratan lives with his wife Ramila and his small daughter in a dignified way. Though he earns a meagre wage, he is content to live a simple life, often helping his community at large. The rich landlord of the community, Chainrai Mody, boasts of his “higher connections” and cajoles the lower working people to submit to his evil plans. But the property owner fails to corrupt Ratan and an undercurrent of mistrust and distrust prevails in the neighborhood spoiling the peaceful atmosphere. A fall off guy, Mangal Singh befriends Ratan, and they foil many attempts of the evil landlord. The seeds of disharmony are planted, and community lives are routinely upset. It is time when Ratan decides to equalize matters and weave a blanket of peace and harmony as prevailed before. Being pushed inch by inch to the wall, he now has only the spring action of a hungry wolf. Read how Ratan manages to camouflage a strike against a strike.
The Author is a mature person who is based in Dubai for the past four and a half decades. He is originally from Bombay (now Mumbai), India. Writing is his forte, and he has done quite a few stints in college magazines and social clubs. He has visited many countries, in the six continents, and loves travelling. Many of his stories are based on real time episodes and he churns out interestingly in a witty way, easy to understand and bringing a smile on readers’ lips. In his own, words, he says, “If I cannot make you laugh in the first five minutes, then I will cry!” Interestingly, he adds that as you are a good person, you don’t want me to cry! So, there you go, smiling. His core career is based in accounting field, but he says he wants to be an author and so, has quit accounting! He believes all of us on this good planet are students of life, and likewise we too need to be good in life too!