This image is the cover for the book How to Plan Your Life

How to Plan Your Life

"This unique book carries a fascinating message, making it both enjoyable and digestible. It is a Do-How book and is invaluable in helping people plan their lives. Everyone can profit by it." -Cavett Robert, Founder National Speakers Association

"He will make you think about your life plan and what you are doing to prepare yourself for your life work." -T. R. Venters, Director Arkansas Department of Education.

Jim Davidson, noted motivational author and lecturer, can help you organize your life. In this volume, Davidson presents an easy-to-follow, proven method to increase your achievement levels and overall satisfaction with life. By using this guide, you will discover how to improve personal and professional relationships.

Jim Davidson

Jim Davidson resides in Mayflower, Arkansas, where he broadcasts his daily radio show,

Pelican Publishing