Practical Nell would never be so fanciful as to believe a mysterious Gothic castle and a darkly enigmatic baron would bring her a fairy-tale romance
The star pupil from the Paddington Seminary, governess Miss Helen Faraday, prides herself on her common-sense approach to work. But Lord Eden Jarrow’s imposing abode is enough to test the steadiest of nervesand the brooding man enough to test the steadiest of hearts!
Can one with such a shadowed past be capable of love, and loving a governess at that? When Nell is drawn into a desperate battle alongside Eden to save his young daughter from an unexpected, unknown danger, she is set to find out
Elizabeth Bailey’s love of romance was born first through fairy tales and then Georgette Heyer, whom she discovered at the age of eleven. Writing was a late development, however. In her thirties Elizabeth began to write historical romances and quickly realised that writing was her true métier. In her spare time, Elizabeth creates productions twice yearly with the school theatre. She is also Artistic Director of a local arts festival held annually where she lives in Sussex.