This image is the cover for the book Jeremy's Journey

Jeremy's Journey

A harrowing tale of one man’s battle to heal from his pain, resist the temptations of darkness, and free himself from his spiritual prison.

Jeremy was full of life and laughter as a child. Then, suddenly, darkness invaded his life without warning. The darkness came from someone he looked up to and it stole the joy from his heart. It was one thing after another, and his joy was replaced with despair, and his will to live was gone.

Darkness and drugs are the life he knows now—and prison awaits. Will he find life, love, and the healing which can only come from Jesus Christ? Will he see the light? Will he know the light, and will he let the light of Jesus in and restore what was lost?

Sandra Lott

Sandra Lott was born and raised in Texas and is the author of Deep Waters Within, Ride the Wind, God's Love and My Father's Eyes: Seeing Yourself through the Eyes of Love and more. She has learned about the love and faithfulness of God through the death of her sixteen year old son and many other hardships. Through His love and comfort she has drawn close to the Father's love and has developed a passion for studying the Bible. That deep devotion to God in turn has given her the desire to help others grow in their understanding of the love of God and to grow spiritually.

Pen It! Publications, LLC