This image is the cover for the book The Truth of Valor, Confederation of Valor

The Truth of Valor, Confederation of Valor

Bestselling author Tanya Huff returns to the Confederation series of military science fiction, where after centuries of fighting, the dangers of peacetime prove as alien as any new galaxy.

Once Torin Kerr was a gunnery sergeant, secure in the embrace of the Confederation Marine Corps. Now the war is over. Torin is free to delve the depths of space with Craig Ryder in a tiny salvage ship, responsible only for keeping them in enough ready credit to breathe and eat. But when she discovers pirates, actual pirates, are a deadly threat to salvage operators, she can’t imagine not taking action. Even if Ryder’s motley group of colleagues and quasi-family think it’s ridiculous. After all, she doesn’t have the Marines behind her anymore.

Then Ryder goes missing. Of course Torin is going after him. And whatever the odds, there will always be some who follow Torin Kerr into battle. But this time, instead of Other armies, she’s facing ruthless criminals who’ve seen her story on broadcasts. She’s fighting through all the scars and fears experience has left with her—with none of the rules that told her when to stop. And whatever happens, no one’s coming to rescue her...

Tanya Huff

Tanya Huff lives in rural Ontario with her wife Fiona Patton, five cats, and an increasing number of fish. Her 32 novels and 83 short stories include horror, heroic fantasy, urban fantasy, comedy, and space opera. Her BLOOD series was turned into the 22-episode Blood Ties and writing episode nine allowed her to finally use her degree in Radio & Television Arts. Many of her short stories are available as eCollections. She’s on Twitter at @TanyaHuff and Facebook as Tanya Huff. She has never used her Instagram account and isn’t sure why she has it.

JABberwocky Literary Agency, Inc.