This image is the cover for the book Reluctant Witness

Reluctant Witness


When his partner turns on him and tries to kill him, FBI agent Jack Mitchell is framed for murder and abandoned…until a blue-eyed beauty saves his life. Even in his wounded haze Jack sees Casey Johnson is hiding a secret. As the only witness to his innocence, Jack needs her. But Casey doesn't know who's more dangerous—the man who wants Jack dead or the handsome agent himself. For if Jack knew the reason she escaped to the wilderness with her niece, he'd have to arrest her. But on the run with Jack, Casey realizes that more than her secret is at stake now. So is her heart….

Kathleen Tailer

Kathleen Tailer is an attorney that works for the Supreme Court of Florida in the Office of the State Courts Administrator on family law and domestic violence programs. She graduated from Florida State University College of Law after earning her B.A.from the University of New Mexico. Kathleen is passionate about adoption, missions, and leading worship at her church. She and her husband have adopted 5 special needs children in addition to their three biological children.
