Wilf Gilvary is a teenage wizard who is terrified of using magic. When his father dies under mysterious circumstances, Wilf is plunged into the middle of a political struggle between the witches and wizards in the magical realm. He'd rather play soccer than practice magic, but he's forced to make a choice between the life of a normal teen and one of wizardry after a powerful virus begins to decimate the witch community. The cure is spellbound in a journal Wilf inherited from his father and when his friend Katryna contracts the virus, Wilf understands that he must overcome his fear of magic to unlock the journal's secrets--but will it be too late to save her?
C. B. Lyall grew up in Stockton-on-Tees, England. Since then, she has lived in India, Belgium, Hong Kong, and the USA. She currently resides in the Hudson Valley, north of New York, with her husband. She has three adult sons and one grandson.