This image is the cover for the book Mourning and Dancing: The Group

Mourning and Dancing: The Group

Grief. Whether through the death of a loved one, a shattering divorce, a mass tragedy, or other life-altering loss, grief is a common experience of humankind. When Sally Miller became a 24-year-old widow with two young children, she did not know where to turn. Confused, angry, and devastated, she soon realized that she was not alone, that many others had comparable responses to their different losses. And that talking with each other helped. This led her to develop a Grief Support Group. Decades later, using Sally's topics and experience, many similar groups are located around the country, where anyone who is grieving can find techniques and tools, friendship and support, no matter what their age or circumstance. Mourning and Dancing: The Group offers a valuable curriculum to help others set up a group in their community that will enable grieving people to begin their journey toward healing through proven methods and suggestions on how to deal with the realities of grief while shaping positive thought processes that can carry them into the days and years to come.

Sally Downham Miller

Dr. Miller is an educator and retired school principal, as well as a speaker and consultant in grief and loss. She lives in Indiana with her husband, Dr. Will Miller, near her two children and grandchildren. In 1998, Sally wrote Mourning and Dancing: A Memoir, which is still in print. Her current grief support group has been meeting for twenty years.

White River Press