This image is the cover for the book Some People Do, the Some People Children's Series

Some People Do, the Some People Children's Series

As a parent, discussing diversity with your child/children can be difficult, especially if you have your own questions.

"Some People Do" boils this topic down to provide the simplest of answers.

By the time your child/children finish reading this book, they will have been introduced to all facets of people, without any one being more revered than the other.

Frank Lowe, Josh Hara

Frank Lowe is a 42-year-old, gay, divorced ad. He is best known for his online personality @gayathomedad. He has written for major publications and released his first book (Editor, "Raised by Unicorns") in 2018. His goal is to provide parents with easy tools to explain diversity to their children. "Some People Do" is his first children's book.

BQB Publishing