This image is the cover for the book Catching Presence – An Endeavour Towards Inner Peace

Catching Presence – An Endeavour Towards Inner Peace

This is a self-help book. It is an awakening for adults to seek to be present and endeavour to have more fun, find awe in the world around us, and practice relaxation/meditation and kindness. Once adults begin practising this, it gives us the opportunity to pass these practices on to our children.
The mental health of our young people is in crisis. As a school principal, I have witnessed first-hand the dramatic increase in medications taken by children for mental health-related issues. My goal is to normalise practices that can build strategies for lifelong positive mental health. If we can start these in primary school our children will be equipped with the tools to work through difficult situations and age positively.
Let’s all test the Dalai Lama’s theory: “Teach every 8-year-old child to meditate and we will eliminate violence within one generation.”

“Revolutionary as it may sound, teaching children how to pay more attention to their inner world of thoughts and feelings by practicing meditation, self-regulation, and contemplative practices in order to achieve emotional intelligence, enhance greater academic abilities, and change unwanted behaviors through conscious awareness, is the new normal. Our 10-week research project performed with Bond University involving 1,000 children ranging from 4 years old to 12 years old has proven that the majority of children respond positively to simple forms of meditation. Giving our youth, at an early age, the fundamental tools to pay attention better, cope with change, regulate their behaviors and moods, as well as learn and remember, is tantamount to their future. This book provides the necessary insights to open the minds and hearts of parents looking for a new way to gift their children with all they need in an ever-changing world.”
Dr Joe Dispenza, New York Times Best Selling Author of You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter and Becoming Supernatural: How Common People are Doing the Uncommon

Dr. Angela Douglas

Dr. Angela Douglas is the mother to three grown children and has worked as a School Principal for more than 20 years. After a traumatic accident, she re-evaluated her life and considered more deeply the road to health and happiness. Angela has extensive experience educating young people and is passionate about growing the next generation to be mentally healthy and happy people whilst also possessing the skills to live a fulfilling life. She is committed to having more fun, awe, meditation and kindness in her life. Dr. Angela Douglas works with a range of different organisations to help leaders and others within the organisation to fulfil their potential, to inspire them to practice good mental health habits, engage in more fun and enjoy life a bit more which in turn leads to enhanced happiness and better productivity and morale. These are skills that are imperative to pass on to our younger generations which creates a more harmonious life and a next generation with improved mental health. If you are interested in finding out how Angela might be able to work with your organisation, please visit [] or Email:

Austin Macauley Publishers