This image is the cover for the book The Binding: Someone to Depend On, The Binding Trilogy

The Binding: Someone to Depend On, The Binding Trilogy

The Binding Trilogy: Book One

In Asgard, a land inhabited by benevolent creatures called Felan, Bero Halvorsen is having an identity crisis. He’s burned out, tired, and he doesn’t want to spend all his energy bonding with humans and solving their problems. Needing some time to himself, Bero resolves to sabotage his next assignment.

That assignment happens to be Dave Whitaker. He’s lost his job, he hates his new apartment, and his relationship has just ended. When he finally breaks down and begs for help, he’s more than a little surprised that someone actually answers him—more so when it transpires that Bero is essentially his fairy godfather.

Neither Dave nor Bero expects the bond that forms between them to turn into something real. Suddenly Bero is faced with a choice: sacrifice Dave’s happiness… or the only life Bero’s ever known.

Leora Stark