This image is the cover for the book You in Me

You in Me

You in Me chronicles my journey of healing, learning, and growth from the small Caribbean Island of Dominica to Canada and recognizes the many misunderstandings encountered along the way. Such misunderstandings could keep us perpetually stuck in limiting beliefs and prohibit our progression to a more productive and enjoyable life.

When a change of course in life is desired in order to accommodate a more successful integration in a fast-developing society, it is imperative that these misunderstandings be faced with probing questions as to why they occur and our participation and contributing factors in causing them.

Our participation may sometimes be mainly unconscious, making the cause difficult to detect. The effect of and on behavior is a good indicator that something is amiss and may need some mode of adjustment.

We all share that commonality in unconscious behavior, and the poetry You in Me speaks to the reconciliation of relationships with oneself, others and more importantly, the spirit, which gives fervor and strength to drive the unknown to awareness. When brought to the light of day, misunderstandings may be examined for deeper reasons and meanings, and by the grace of the ever-present spirit, we may be renewed and replenished. A conscious effort is required to bring about these restorations, and You in Me addresses some of these reconciliations. Therefore, with passion, creativity, and sensitivity, I invite you to join me on this engaging adventure of self-discovery and evolution, which sheds some light on a hopeful and brilliant tomorrow.

Lorraine J. Dorival

Lorraine J. Dorival

During elementary school, Lorraine received two Island-wide awards for essay writing and later in high school three awards for English Literature. While intermittently returning to writing, she pursued other creative endeavours and a career in Management, Accounting and Finance.

Lorraine returned to writing through her love for reading and the studies of philosophy and psychology. Her life experiences and observations through professional coaching are documented in two books of poetry. A true-life journey of expressive healing and personal growth designed to inspire the reader.

Lorraine is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) and an Adler Certified Professional Coach (ACPC). She resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Austin Macauley Publishers