Christmas, a time of joy for Father Christmas, his elves, and the creatures who all support this special magical time. Preparations have been planned meticulously to ensure that on Christmas Eve, Father Christmas and his skilled reindeer fly all over the world to deliver their gifts. Jouka, a reindeer of high standing with the herds, has been requested to meet with Father Christmas. Excitedly, he bids farewell to his family and gallops off. Not long into his journey, he sees a flash of light coming from underground, feels an unknown sensation, and falls to the ground, unresponsive. Who or what has done this to such a beautiful creature is not known, and why at such a crucial time? An evil presence begins to be felt by all in Lapland.
Jacqueline Derbyshire was born and raised in Wallasey Merseyside. Having predominately worked in health and social care for many years, she decided that it was time to follow her dream. Writing ‘The Roadside Fairies’ books has allowed Jacqueline to tap into her imagination and creativity, a joyous time in her life. Jacqueline works closely with James Connolly a local illustrator, and together they bring the characters to life, such an enjoyable part of the journey.