This image is the cover for the book Starnberg Series Book 8: Yesterday When I Was Young

Starnberg Series Book 8: Yesterday When I Was Young

In the eighth and final book of the Starnberg set series, no couple escapes the grip of misfortune. From a terrifying cancer scare and a child’s meningitis to a life-altering car crash in distant Toronto and the unravelling of a once-strong love, this year is a true battleground. As they confront these challenges, their bonds of friendship and support deepen, providing a lifeline through the storm. Amid the turmoil, an older love rekindles: Sybilla’s mother, Emmeline Mertens, faces a family tragedy and rediscovers her first love, the formidable divorce lawyer Magdalena von Reichenbach. Will anyone emerge unscathed?

Fran Annaford

As the pandemic tightened its grip on the world and the catastrophic pictures from Italy filled the TV screens, Fran Annaford turned for some hours of the long, work-free days to escapist literature and downloaded lesbian romance novels onto her kindle. As the months passed and her work in the entertainment industry came to a complete standstill, she began to wonder if she had a novel in her. A youthful ambition resurfaced after many years. If Time Were Not a Moving Thing was written in about six weeks. As she introduced two new characters into the final pages, she immediately wanted to tell their story too. By the third book, she had an umbrella title: The Starnberg Series. The first four books and characters flowed into each other. With book five, All I See is You; Fran changed the location to London and progressed away from classical music as a recurring theme. The new novel was not going to be part of the series, until the Starnberg Set characters began to move in. Albeit stealthily. Fran gave up trying to exclude them and returned to the beautiful Bavarian Lake as the setting for books six and seven. Which is when she decided that her characters’ lives were a bit too good to be true, and she embarked on book eight, an annus horribiles for the Starnberg Set. And here we are, with Yesterday when I was Young. The dramatic cover reflects the events in the book, which is most definitely the last in the series. BUT…Politics have always interested Fran. The Westminster Series began to take shape. The first member of the Starnberg Set appears on around page three of In Private. But not obtrusively. Not yet.

Austin Macauley Publishers