Nineteen. A time I will never forget. A time of my absolute breaking. A time when I decided I couldn't bear another day. A time of indefinite hopelessness. A time of ending of all that was vexed. A time of growth and aspiration. A second chance. At new beginnings.
Vanessa Leanne V. is an aspiring poet/writer. Her love of poetry began when she first heard 'Nothing Gold Can Stay,' written by Robert Frost. She came to like poetry more than novels because of the emotion and meaning behind each individual poem. Growing up, she encountered some hardships at an early age and sought the worst for herself; eventually, she found herself to be helpless. As time went on, she helped herself grow into the person she is today--more confident, happier, and healthier in every way. She has taken these hardships from her own personal experience in the hope of helping others grow as well.