This image is the cover for the book Dawn of Victory, Thank You China!

Dawn of Victory, Thank You China!

Jim Maultsaids third and final book, The Dawn of Victory, Thank You China! is based on his service with the 169 Chinese Labour Corps (CLC) between 1918 1919.There were 96,000 Chinese volunteer in the CLC and their achievements have gone largely unrecognized for 100 years. As Jim Maultsaids diaries and drawings vividly testify, they made a stupendous and lasting contribution both during and in the aftermath of The Great War. He writes Never did I see human beings work as we worked those Chinese boys of ours. In all weathers, the Chinese turned their hands to every kind of task, initially keeping the wheels of war turning and after the Armistice clearing the debris of war and recovering the tens of thousands of anonymous dead.Maultsaids down-to-earth prose and superb drawings capture the unique nature of the CLCs efforts. His admiration for their stoic, indeed heroic efforts is obvious and, thanks to the preservation of these unique diaries, the coolies who toiled so tirelessly can at last receive long overdue credit.The author/artist served for over five years and was there to say goodbye and thank you to all those who served in his unit.

Jim Maultsaid

Jim Maultsaid was born in Pennsylvania in 1893 to Irish parents who returned to Donegal. Although he left school at 13 he was naturally gifted at both writing and drawing. Despite being an American citizen he joined the British Army in 1914. He was badly wounded on the First Day of the Somme (1 July 1916). Unfit for further active duty, he was commissioned in 1917 and worked with the Chinese Labour Corps until early 1920.

In the post-years he expanded the notes and sketches made in France into these unique Diaries.

Pen and Sword