This image is the cover for the book Fleeting Images from a Bloodied Past

Fleeting Images from a Bloodied Past

Ships against the sea! Was…STILL IS, a threat to all the vessels who sail upon her, and especially so, an ever-present threat to the crews who do their duty and put their lives in harm's way. Of violent storms, tempests… All the unpredictable hell of crosswinds, headwinds and tailwinds, roaring madly like some frenzied monster, changing direction, attempting to plunge the man-made object under the vengeful, towering and swamping thunderous waves, against which so many hardy ships have foundered, perished and been lost. The fact that the CSS Alabama came through such a storm and survived this maelstrom is testimony to the meticulous skills and concentrated painstaking patience and hard work of Laird's well-led and well-managed shipbuilding workforce and professional seamanship, that ensured the crew's safe passage and escape from this seaborne wretchedness. Warships, which survived incredible battle experience, and - at war's end - were reviewed for conversion, replacement or the breaker's yard was a consideration. Not all, however, because the fate of HMS Zealous continued in a new page of history, when she was transferred to the Israeli Navy. Later, in 1967, whilst out on patrol in the Eastern Mediterranean, she was suddenly attacked by Egyptian warships equipped with superior firepower. The new crew of this old warhorse knew that the fate of their emerging and vibrant new nation, fighting to retain her hard-fought existence, was dependent upon their spirited defence. Despite the fact that they were up against Soviet-supplied STYX surface-to-surface missiles, against which they had no defence, they steered into battle, undaunted. With battle pennants flying, they bravely challenged the enemy. Their fearlessness and courage shone in the face of certain destruction and ultimate sacrifice. The Cammell Laird scenario is riveting and strikingly dramatic…

Bernard Fredericks

Bernard Fredericks has previously written freelance, contributing a multiplicity of published articles to various magazines, newspapers and, on occasions, local radio; was also an active member of a Writers' Club in the North West during the late '80s and into the early '90s; edited a monthly arts magazine published in NW, UK, during the period 1998-2002; is retired and residing in North Wales, but presently finalising completion of further scripts for future publication. Also by Bernard Fredericks: WRITERS' WORLD (History of Liverpool Writers' Club 1922 - 1994) ISBN 9781906823672 - 2013 THE GREEN GATES STORY (Escape from the Liverpool Blitz) ISBN 9781786126849 - 2017

Austin Macauley Publishers