Kalvin the Kudzu Monster lives in the forests of North Georgia where he and his friends work together to protect the forest and woodland creatures from natural disasters, sinister gangsters, and evil creatures that want to take over the forest. It's a tough job because there is always something or someone wanting to mess with their peaceful forest and the creatures who live there. But Kalvin and his friends are up to the task, even though at times, the challenges are harrowing, and their success is uncertain.
A true southern writer, J.R. Hardin was born and raised in Rome, Georgia. After retiring from a career in the electrical industry, he decided to pursue a past interest in writing and found he had a talent for fictional tales for young readers. His rich imagination and humor pervade all of his writings, and his tales of the kudzu monsters are flavored with his own youthful explorations of native forests. Today, he lives in Gainesville, Georgia with his son and daughter-in-law.