This image is the cover for the book The Icky Wick Bowls Club

The Icky Wick Bowls Club

The Icky Wick Bowls Club invites you to join them at their private table known as the Gin Club Table, come and listen to hilarious tales of the past, or maybe witness the steamy night at The Vicars and Tarts party with a different story on every table. Travel to Ireland in the 60s with Molly and the gang as they cleverly remove marble fireplaces from a mansion in the wilds of Ireland and ship them off to the USA. Meet Micheal the renowned Irish raconteur singer/songwriter. Stay with Benny the septuagenarian gangster while he plans to bring his finest cannabis down from his factory in London filling up three golf bags, which he hides in the holiday coach carrying all the OAPs, to France. His journey with his wife Beryl, into and out of France with no passport, due to the fact he is on a lifetime ban from leaving the UK due to his criminal record.

Sandra Balchin

Sandra was born in Brixton South London. At the age of 23, she went to college in Portman Square where she qualified as an Aesthetician and Therapist, a career which led her to meet and work with many celebrities, such as Carrie Fisher-Debbie Reynolds-Sammy Davies Jnr-Marlene Dietrich to name but a few. In the late 70s she moved to East Sussex where she continued to run her very successful practise while always collecting a plethora of amusing stories. Sandra now lives with her husband Philip on the South Coast, where they both enjoy Bowls and Golf.

Austin Macauley Publishers