To my Heavenly Father who is the creator of all the hosts of Heaven and Earth and everything therein. You own everything therein because you created them and you can give or take away all things in Heaven and on Earth. There is nothing that mankind has that you did not give us because we could not create anything from our power unless you give us this power.
O God, I love you more than anyone in Heaven and anyone on Earth. You are the father of all in Heaven and Earth, and you are my father. You have saved me from certain death several times in my lifetime when I came to you in my prayers, even my silent prayers. I know and do testify to all on Earth that you are love and goodness to all who love and serve you faithfully.
I testify to your power because I have witnessed it firsthand: you healed me of chicken pox, measles, and mumps with very high fever at the age of seven. You saved me at age nineteen when I wrecked my car, and you sent my guardian angel from Heaven to show me the vision of the lake of fire in 1950. You sent the same angel to visit me in 2011 to chastise me for not living up to my vows I made to you in exchange for my life on Earth. And you allowed me to communicate with you in Heaven through the holy angel for about 30 minutes. All these things are chronicled in my books.
Jerry Campbell was born and raised poor in a large family in the Appalachian Mountains near Hazard, Kentucky. However, he became rich toward God because his mother taught him about the Bible in his youth. His mother gave him his strong faith and love for his living Jehovah God, and when we believe and love God, He also becomes our Heavenly Father.
Jerry has written two books which chronicle his lifelong relationship with God—The Lake of Fire Is Real and Here on Earth and My Guardian Angel Visits. These books are his testimonial witness of our living Jehovah God, Jesus Christ, and angels.