This image is the cover for the book Goldie and the Three Kind Bears

Goldie and the Three Kind Bears

The three bears looked at the frightened girl before them. She ate all their crunchy cereal, broke a comfy chair, and read books in one of their cozy beds. They should be angry, but they felt sorry for her. With a smile, they said, “You must need a home.” Goldie couldn’t believe how generous and kind the three bears were. To show her appreciation, she baked her favorite thing for them, a Gingerbread Man. Will the three kind bears enjoy their delicious treat, or will the Gingerbread Man escape just in the nick of time? This heartwarming and amusing story puts a unique and clever spin on two classics, Goldilocks and the Three Bears and The Gingerbread Man, and will remind you that kindness is a special gift to receive but even better to give away.

Andrea Hyatt, Baran Sabahi

Inspiration for Goldie and the Three Kind Bears came from Andrea’s love for baking delicious treats in her cozy kitchen. Like her sweet main character, Goldie, one of Andrea’s favorite things to make is a Gingerbread Man. She has one tip for you when baking Gingerbread Men: never leave them alone, or they may escape. Like the delightful treats Andrea bakes for her family and friends, she hopes her heartwarming books, with a sweet message and whimsical illustrations, bring joy to those who read them. Other charming books by Andrea Hyatt include Juliette’s Web, Santa’s Nice List, Sophie Sparrow Wants to Be a Flamingo, and Sophie Sparrow and Friends to the Rescue.

Austin Macauley Publishers