This image is the cover for the book Dune: House Atreides #4, Dune: House Atreides

Dune: House Atreides #4, Dune: House Atreides

Leto Atreides has discovered the horrifying truth behind Ix’s success, calling House Vernius’ true nature into question and possibly spelling the House’s demise. The Harkonnens’ deadly influence continues to spread, forcing Duncan Idaho to take drastic measures; Reverend Mother Gaius Mohiam to play her trump card with the Baron. Pardot Kynes forms an alliance with the Freman that will change the course of Dune's history. Meanwhile, Crown Prince Shaddam and Hasimir Fenring continue unraveling their plot to oust the Emperor Elrood...

Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson, Dev Pramanik, Alex Guimaraes

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