This image is the cover for the book Paxton Pride, The Paxton Saga

Paxton Pride, The Paxton Saga

From the shores of the Potomac, a society girl begins an epic journey

Karen Hampton comes to Washington, DC, from New York City to celebrate the end of the Civil War. For weeks she dances, dines, and drinks, until all the parties and receptions have blurred together. By the end of the season, she has accomplished what every debutante is after: betrothal to an up-and-coming politician. But Karen is not satisfied with her prize. She intends to marry for love, and there is but one man in Washington who can move her heart.

She first meets him under the dome of the Capitol, and then sees him again while bathing on the banks of the river. He is Vance Paxton, an upstart Texas representative whose copper skin and frontier clothes mark him as more than a creature of the Beltway. His love will carry her away from Washington to one of the last great battles of the American West, where Karen Hampton will learn what it means to live.

Kerry Newcomb, Frank Schaefer

Kerry Newcomb was born in Milford, Connecticut, but had the good fortune to be raised in Texas. He has served in the Jesuit Volunteer Corps and taught at the St. Labre Mission School on the Northern Cheyenne Reservation in Montana, and holds a master’s of fine arts degree in theater from Trinity University. Newcomb has written plays, film scripts, commercials, and liturgical dramas, and is the author of over thirty novels. He lives with his family in Fort Worth, Texas.

Open Road Integrated Media