This image is the cover for the book A Voice for Rebekah

A Voice for Rebekah

In the years following the deaths of her parents and brother in a vehicle crash, Australian Anna O’Reilly is surprised to learn her mother, Elizabeth, had been adopted at birth. Curious to know more and, armed only with her mother’s date and place of birth, St Catherine’s Orphanage in Devon, Anna begins her search.
Because of the time that has elapsed and the closure of the orphanage in the 1950s, Anna believes the possibility of finding anything is remote. She is wrong.
Anna discovers her grandmother was a young Jewish girl, Rebekah Kominski, who struggled to survive and escape persecution in war-torn Poland. At the end of the war, she, with other children, is taken to the Lake District and later assigned to a foster family, but questions remain.
What happened to cause Rebekah to be banished from what was to be the start of a new and better life to an orphanage and a harsh existence? While at the orphanage, she became pregnant. Was she raped? Why and how, after giving birth at aged thirteen, did she disappear?
Anna continues her search until she finds the answers and reveals the shocking truth behind Rebekah’s disappearance.

Elizabeth J Dennis

Elizabeth J Dennis lives in Perth, Western Australia, with husband, Paul, and aging cat, Bindi. The bushland setting of her home provides a peaceful backdrop for her writing.
Elizabeth has always had a passion for reading and writing, but it was not until her two daughters left home and she left the workforce, that she concentrated on writing, producing her first novel, A Voice for Rebekah.

Austin Macauley Publishers