This image is the cover for the book A Story of Rock and Vole

A Story of Rock and Vole

Old Vole likes telling stories of his and his friends adventures. How they manage to keep out of the way of the naughty, stinky stoats, and windy weasels. Stinky stoats and windy weasels just think voles are ‘fast food.’ They are. They run very fast so they can’t eat us. Charlie Vole’s latest adventure is playing his drums very loud and making lots of noise in his famous rock band. Old Vole thought you might like to hear the story of how he did it.

David Hemsley

The author has been around a long time and has experienced many things along the way but has always enjoyed expressing himself in his art and in his writing. In 1996 he managed to fit in an arts degree before going on to use these skills to assist teachers at a special needs school for a number of years. I hope you enjoy my stories.

Austin Macauley Publishers