Miss Deer is very hungry, but the local squirrels and birds do not want her to eat with them. She is sad and lonely, she doesn’t understand their rejection. She does not see why she cannot have some bird seed, which is rich and plentiful at this lady’s house. The many birds, squirrels and chipmunks tell her she is too big and scary. She becomes very frustrated and decides to eat the lady’s prize roses. She feels, too, a comradeship to the man who lives here, for he is also rejected by the animals. A hungry but friendly raccoon, out in the daytime, stops her and tells her that deer are not mean.
Ann Miles Sievers was born and raised near Chicago. She has always loved animals and birds of any size or type. She is an avid vegetarian. Currently, she lives in Glenview, Illinois with her husband, two rescue cats, and a turtle. She has four grandchildren. Her first book is The Food Lady.