This image is the cover for the book In My Father’s Arms

In My Father’s Arms

There is something peculiar about holding on to someone’s hands. Likewise, a hug or to be found in the arms of someone that means a lot to you is a feeling which is hard to express or utter into words. The feelings and emotions linger even when that hug or touch is over. The past is the past, so is the present or what might unfold in the future. That’s what we have been taught and may also teach others. In My Father’s Arms unfolds and looks at individuals’ perspectives of a father. It also unlocks the door of their past on those memories which they dearly cherished. Those memories are some of the building blocks for their current present, which might be unfolding while trying to navigate and adjust the foundation laid to present a lasting future. Remember that you are not alone, whatever your current circumstance may be, and whichever story may resonate with you when reading or listening to this book. May you be surrounded in this life’s journey by others who cherish not only your present story or your prospect future but also value your precious past.

C. Hankins

C. Hankins has always loved reading and writing. Throughout her schooling years, she struggled with writing, and her English tutors would point this out to her. Still, that did not stop her from making up stories and writing them at home, especially at a younger age. She felt more at ease because she was not being criticised or judged by the structure/grammar. At the age of 9 or 10, her love for writing in her diary began, and most evenings, she would reflect on her day and write about it. C. Hankins loved recounting and sharing her thoughts, sometimes expressing what she couldn’t convey to others in writing. As she grew older, she also fell in love with journaling and writing about everything: songs, poems, words of encouragement, testimonies/gratitude, and so forth. Once she starts writing about things, it can be endless, spending hours doing so. It’s a desire and passion that has permanently been embedded within her soul; that she finds hard to explain. Although born in Sierra Leone, C. Hankins’s home is still in the UK, where she has spent most of her life growing up. She loves travelling, and she is blessed to be in a profession that does not limit her but enhances her passion further.

Austin Macauley Publishers