This image is the cover for the book Beau Brocade A Romance, Classics To Go

Beau Brocade A Romance, Classics To Go

Set in England, right after Bonnie Prince Charlie's sad failure, the English government is tracking down all of the treasonous Nobles who supported him. Beau Brocade, A beloved Robin Hood-esque character is a highway man by trade, but a gentleman at heart. (Goodreads)

Baroness Emmuska Orczy

Baroness Emma Orczy (; 23 September 1865 – 12 November 1947), usually known as Baroness Orczy (the name under which she was published) or to her family and friends as Emmuska Orczy, was a Hungarian-born British novelist and playwright. She is best known for her series of novels featuring the Scarlet Pimpernel, the alter ego of Sir Percy Blakeney, a wealthy English fop who turns into a quick-thinking escape artist in order to save French aristocrats from "Madame Guillotine" during the French Revolution, establishing the "hero with a secret identity" in popular culture.

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