Astounding Stories Of Super Science June 1931 features five Classic Science Fiction Stories from the "Golden Age of Science Fiction". Contents and short description: "The Man From 2071" by Sewell Peaslee Wright: Out of the Flow of Time There Appears to Commander John Hanson a Man of Mystery from the Forgotten Past. "Manape The Mighty", by Arthur J. Burks: High in Jungle Treetops Swings Young Bentley—His Human Brain Imprisoned in a Mighty Ape. (A Complete Novelette.), "Holocaust", by Charles Willard Diffin: The Extraordinary Story of "Paul," Who for Thirty Days Was Dictator of the World." The Earthman's Burden", by R.F. Starzl: There is Foul Play on Mercury—until Danny Olear of the Interplanetary Flying Police Gets After His Man."The Exile Of Time", by Ray Cummings: Larry and George from 1935, Mary from 1777—All Are Caught up in the Treacherous Tugh's Revolt of the Robots in the Time World of 2930. (Part Three of a Four-Part Novel.)