This image is the cover for the book Astounding Stories Of Super Science June 1931, Classics To Go

Astounding Stories Of Super Science June 1931, Classics To Go

Astounding Stories Of Super Science June 1931 features five Classic Science Fiction Stories from the "Golden Age of Science Fiction". Contents and short description: "The Man From 2071" by Sewell Peaslee Wright: Out of the Flow of Time There Appears to Commander John Hanson a Man of Mystery from the Forgotten Past. "Manape The Mighty", by Arthur J. Burks: High in Jungle Treetops Swings Young Bentley—His Human Brain Imprisoned in a Mighty Ape. (A Complete Novelette.), "Holocaust", by Charles Willard Diffin: The Extraordinary Story of "Paul," Who for Thirty Days Was Dictator of the World." The Earthman's Burden", by R.F. Starzl: There is Foul Play on Mercury—until Danny Olear of the Interplanetary Flying Police Gets After His Man."The Exile Of Time", by Ray Cummings: Larry and George from 1935, Mary from 1777—All Are Caught up in the Treacherous Tugh's Revolt of the Robots in the Time World of 2930. (Part Three of a Four-Part Novel.)

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