Set in Western Australia this tale of jealousy and revenge sees teenage sisters embark on a perilous ride through the outback. They must rely on the courage and devotion of their horses, Star, a black Arabian and Galaxy, a white Andalusian stallion to save them. A magic kingdom secretly existing deep in the bush harbours a bitter love triangle. The wicked fairy, Alba, will use all her dark arts to rid herself of her rival and the girls and their horses will be caught up in the crossfire. Only by seeking the help of an ancient Koori shaman can they hope to survive. The plot is exciting and contains almost every element any young girl would love, including fairies, horses, animals of every description, as well as magic, romance, and adventure in a world where girls are the ones who make the difference rather than ubiquitous boy heroes. The stories are a mix of reality and pure imagination, drawing on aboriginal mythology and traditional storytelling. They combine magical fantasy and adventure with historic evidence and theories based on modern-day fact and up-to-date research. In addition, factual details regarding the natural flora and fauna of this beautiful part of the world, make this a truly educational, exciting, and immersive read.
Jennie Dodd was raised in the picturesque market town of Shrewsbury, famous for its medieval castle, steep narrow streets, little alleyways, and timber framed buildings. Situated on the River Severn the town nestles in amongst the ancient Shropshire hills of the Stiperstones, the Long Mynd, Wenlock Edge and the Wrekin. Educated at the Wakeman Grammar School, Jennie developed a keen interest in art, a love of English literature and truly excelled in sport. She considers her appreciation of the natural world to be most important to her. If she isn’t reading or writing, you will find her outdoors pursuing activities she considers have enriched her life, horse riding in particular has been a life-long passion.