This image is the cover for the book Wisconsin Legends & Lore, American Legends

Wisconsin Legends & Lore, American Legends

Wisconsin is a land rich with stories. It was the "mother of all circuses," a place of buried treasure and home to eerie ghosts and monsters. Native American legends, tall tales told at lumberjack camps and taverns, ghostlore and modern urban legends all form the wonderful mythology of the Dairy State. Many know of Rhinelander's famous Hodag, the Beast of Bray Road in Elkhorn, Milwaukee's haunted Pfister Hotel and the Ridgeway Ghost. But few have heard obscure tales like the Christmas Tree Ghost Ship of Two Rivers, the Goatman of Richfield's Hogsback Road and the legend of the Witch's Tower of Whitewater. Author Tea Krulos, an expert in all things strange and unusual, digs up Wisconsin favorites and arcane lore.

Tea Krulos

Tea Krulos is a freelance writer and author who was born in Wisconsin and lives in Milwaukee. His previous books include Heroes in the Night, Monster Hunters and Apocalypse Any Day Now. He also contributed a chapter to The Supernatural in Society, Culture, and History. He frequently gives presentations on paranormal and other unusual topics and is the organizer of the Milwaukee Paranormal Conference and Milwaukee Krampusnacht; he also leads ghost tours for Milwaukee Ghost Walks. He writes a weekly column on his website ( called "Tea's Weird Week."

The History Press