This image is the cover for the book An Unusual Story About a Bug

An Unusual Story About a Bug

Question: Where is “e”?

Answer: “e” is not here.

This entire story about a bug is told without using the letter “e”.

Mr. Bug likes crawling up and down the arms. He’s crawling up my arm now, and he’s on a mission to find you.

How will he get from my arm to yours without the help of “e”?

Joan J. Burt

Joan Burt spent her early years in several Polish communities in Southwestern Minnesota. She is a retired elementary school teacher having taught in Minnesota, New Mexico, and Kansas. Joan enjoys reading, piecing quilt tops, and doing all sorts of puzzles. Her favorite pastime is spending time with her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.

She and her husband live in Topeka, Kansas.