This image is the cover for the book Weird Europe

Weird Europe

Welcome to Weird Europe...where truth is stranger than fiction.

Thrill-seekers, students of the bizarre, travelers searching for relief from the usual tourist attractions--rejoice! At last, here is a guidebook to Europe's dark side, compiled by Kristan Lawson and Anneli Rufus. From strange natural wonders to the handiwork of mad scientists, dreamers, and zealots, Europe harbors hundreds of fascinating--and occasionally gruesome--surprises. In these pages, you'll discover:

-Two-headed animals
-Erotic museums
-Creepy catacombs
-A cathedral made of salt
-A railroad operated by children
-The Arnold Schwarzenegger Museum
-An all-ice hotel
-Ancient pagan rituals
-Sewer tours
-A museum of espionage
-UFO landing sites
-Pictures drawn by the dead
-A frog museum
-Pancake races
-Oddball art
-Underground cities
-Giants, freaks, and Siamese twins
-The Temple of Echoes
-And more!

Covering twenty-five countries, with complete directions, opening hours, and admission prices for nearly a thousand wild attractions, Weird Europe is an indispensable guide to a world that you never knew existed. Once you enter Weird Europe, there's no turning back.

Kristan Lawson, Anneli Rufus

Kristan Lawson and Anneli Rufus have been combing Europe's underbelly together since 1983 and have written several guides to weird places, including Weird Europe and California Babylon. Anneli is an award-winning journalist and poet. Kristan speaks Latin and can play three games of chess simultaneously while blindfolded. They both live in Berkeley, California.

St. Martin’s Griffin