This image is the cover for the book Karl Barth, the Jews, and Judaism

Karl Barth, the Jews, and Judaism

How Jewish was Karl Barth?This provocative question by David Novak opens Karl Barth, the Jews, and Judaism—a volume that brings together nine eminent Jewish and Christian theologians reflecting on a crucial aspect of Barth’s thought and legacy. These scholarly essays not only make a noteworthy contribution to Barth studies but also demonstrate creative possibilities for building positive Jewish-Christian relations without theological compromise.

Contributors & Topics

David Novak on the extent to which Barth thought like a Jew

Eberhard Busch on three Jewish-Christian milestones in Barth’s life

George Hunsinger on Christian philo-Semitism and supersessionism

Peter Ochs on Barthian elements in Jewish-Christian dialogue

Victoria J. Barnett on Barth and post-WWII interfaith encounters

Thomas F. Torrance on Israel’s divine calling in world history

C. E. B. Cranfield on Pauline texts pertinent to Jewish-Christian relations

Hans Küng on moving from anti-Semitism to theological dialogue

Ellen T. Charry on addressing theological roots of enmity

George Hunsinger

George Hunsinger is McCord Professor of SystematicTheology at Princeton Theological Seminary and therecipient of the 2010 Karl Barth Prize from the Union ofEvangelical Churches in Germany.

William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company