This image is the cover for the book Performance Appraisal Tool Kit

Performance Appraisal Tool Kit

The key difference between a highly successful organization and one that just merely reaches its quarterly goals--most of the time--might very well be how they address performance reviews.

Are they just a perfunctory, annual “check-off,” with no other goal than to justify salary increases, or does the organization truly know how to manage and measure its employees’ performances to best impact a company’s bottom line?

In The Performance Appraisal Tool Kit, you will discover a customizable appraisal template covering the essential areas of performance and conduct and learn how they can adapt it to fit varying business strategies. After all, every organization is a unique entity, therefore, the performance appraisal plan must also be unique to its company.

To find the process that best increases efficiency and effectiveness in your workplace, learn how to:

Profile ideal employee performance and behaviorDesign competencies that power performance, both at the individual and enterprise levelDrive future change by setting your organization's strategic directionRetool the appraisal as needed to ratchet up expectations over time

There’s nothing more valuable to a company in the long-term than a motivated and dedicated workforce. The Performance Appraisal Tool Kit gives you the resources you need to construct a performance appraisal program that will accommodate market changes, revised priorities, and increasing productivity targets--and in the end, will lift your organization to a higher level.

Paul Falcone, Winston Tan