“Barbie doesn’t want hugs any more, hugs could be bad and sometimes hugs can hurt” Growing up too soon isn’t always a good thing. Meet one little girl and travel with her through the loss of her childhood because of rape. The burden of keeping it a secret which leads her through a descent into darkness. The only escape she can find is to drink alcohol. But the alcohol doesn’t save her, and the story tells of her reaching rock bottom. Rock bottom is different for every person. For her it is when she decides life is something she can no longer take. The choice to die or start living again are her only options. With no one to rescue her she must rescue herself. To do this she must face up to and accept what has happened. To face the demons inside her head, accept what has been lost and look to her future. For some secrets only have power over you when they are kept secrets. This author has bared all and allowed the reader to see her world through her eyes in this captivating but heartbreaking tale of life, loss and redemption.
Born in New Zealand, Christina Lowe lived a full and, at times, tragic life. She draws from her life experiences to enable the reader to see the events through her eyes. Her passion was always to help others understand the different world everyone lives in. Everyone has their own truth and not all life experiences are the same, for people growing up in the same area or even the same family. Sometimes, it takes a different perspective to understand why people behave differently to what others expect and can be the key to empathy.