This image is the cover for the book Power of Patience

Power of Patience

Make room for joy in a busy world with this inspiring guide to the life-changing practice of patience by the bestselling author of Attitudes of Gratitude.

We often don’t want to hear that “patience is a virtue.” But there is more to this old truism than we might think. Exploring the deeper wisdom of patience, author and success mentor M. J. Ryan details how living this virtue in our day-to-day lives can bring us greater happiness and change us for the better.

The modern world moves fast. Not only are we forced to keep up, but we are conditioned to expect instant gratification. Because of this, we are easily flustered by the smallest setbacks—from rush-hour traffic to spotty internet. But by reining in our aggravation in these moments, we give ourselves time to breathe and think more clearly. We make better use of our days and allow ourselves to make decisions based on how they align with our priorities, instead of focusing on how fast we can get tasks done.

The Power of Patience offers:

·       Straightforward instructions for developing a habit of patience
·       A source of stress-relief and a guide to happier living
·      Ways to find peaceful moments amidst the hustle and bustle that each day brings

M. J. Ryan, M.J. Ryan

Conari Press