This image is the cover for the book Life After Breath, Morgan James Faith

Life After Breath, Morgan James Faith

Life After Breath is a faithful friend and companion to a widow’s grief that will enable her to look into grief and heal when others want to look away. It gives resolve without insisting on an answer and prepares a widow to champion her own Biblical cause in a way that no other book or resource on the market offers. There are countless millions of widows crippled without a voice; Life After Breath breathes life back into a grieving woman and prepares her apart for a set-apart calling.

Susan VandePol

Susan VandePol founded Families of the Fallen for Fire Departments and churches after the duty-related death of her husband in 2005. The protocol is now being used in departments across the country and is endorsed by experts in the fields of Grief, Crisis, Trauma, Suicide Prevention, CIR, PTSD and CISM. Susan is certified in Grief, Crisis and Trauma Counseling, Grief Coaching, Master Life Coaching, Individual Crisis Intervention, Victim Response and Basic and Family Mediation. Her speaking engagements include women's retreats and conferences, a Keynote at the ICISF World Congress and addressing the Honor Guard at the International Association of Firefighters Memorial. She homeschooled her 3 children without ever succumbing to pressure to wear Birkenstocks and now lives with her husband whom she shamelessly manipulated into falling in love with her. He obliged by sweeping her off her feet with a large broom. They now reside in Michigan.

Morgan James Publishing