This image is the cover for the book Survivor of Nam: P.O.W.

Survivor of Nam: P.O.W.

The second exciting book in this authentic series about Vietnam involves a 17-year-old corporal who is imprisoned by the Viet Cong and must endure the horrors of his capture until the U.S. Special Forces can rescue him. A super-heroic series, focusing on the grim realities of war.

Donald E. Zlotnik

Donald E. Zlotnik served during the Vietnam War for eighteen months with the ultra-elite MACV-SOG Command and Control North long-range reconnaissance teams that conducted missions into Laos (Prairie Fire) and North Vietnam (Nickel Steel and Falling Rain). Members for the elite unit were selected from among the ranks of highly trained Special Forces (Green Berets) and Navy SEALs. Zlotnik also served in combat with two Green Beret “A” detachments; A-253 Duc Co on the Cambodian border; and he was the first executive officer at A-426 in the Plain of Reeds during periods of heavy fighting. Zlotnik has written more than three hundred columns for two Detroit newspapers, titled “Thoughts From the Right.” Zlotnik is the author of ten war novels and has written eleven more unpublished historical action-adventure novels. He says they will make good reading for his grandchildren someday. When recently asked by 60 Minutes IIproducers about war, Zlotnik was quoted as saying, “War is hell—Sherman was right about that part of it—but it is up to the leaders to keep it honorable.” Currently, Zlotnik is the founder and administrator of the Seraphim & Angel Agency, specializing in treatment foster care.