Fast cars, glamorous socialiteseveryday components of devastatingly handsome billionaire Orlando Winterton's thrilling, decadent lifestyle
When Rachel arrives at Orlando's remote country estate in desperate need, Orlando cannot deny the pull of her fragile beauty, and takes her passionately. Then a baby is found abandoned on Orlando's doorstepallegedly his son!
Now Orlando will hire Rachel to take care of the childand as long as she's under his roof, he'll keep on making love to her
until he's got her out of his system!
India Grey was just thirteen years old when she first sent away for the Mills & Boon Writers’ Guidelines. She recalls the thrill of getting the large brown envelope with its distinctive logo through the letterbox and kept these guidelines for the next ten years, tucking them carefully inside the cover of each new diary in January and beginning every list of New Year’s resolutions with the words 'Start Novel'. But she got there in the end!