This image is the cover for the book Déjà Vu Enigma

Déjà Vu Enigma

A deep dive into one of the most widely reported mysteries of the mind—both the scientific and paranormal theories—from the authors of The Grid.

You feel like you’ve done something before . . . even as you do it for the very first time.

You engage in a conversation and suddenly realize you’ve spoken those same words before . . . to the very same person. Yet you’re positive it’s the first time you’ve ever met.

Déjà vu is the eerie sensation of “remembering” an experience or situation that never occurred. Scientific research into déjà vu has revealed intriguing theories, ranging from short-term memory misfires to neurophysiological disorders. Yet other theories suggest more paranormal causes for déjà vu, such as glimpses into parallel realities. Perhaps the true explanation lies somewhere in between.

But déjà vu is only one of the many mysteries of the mind. The Déjà Vu Enigma also explores:Memory lapses, missing time, and fugue statesThe brain as both receiver and transmitter of realityAltered states of perception and consciousness, from hallucinations to religious visionsContagious thought, curses, demonic possession, and mass hysteriaDream states, lucid dreaming, and precognitive dreamsThe Grid and parallel universes as travel routes for mind trips, brain flips, and time slips

Come journey through a world as vast and uncharted as the Cosmos. A journey through the Inner Universe—the human mind.

“From the dynamic team of Marie D. Jones & Larry Flaxman who have brought us some many wonderful books on fringe subject matter . . . a completely thought-provoking study.” —

Marie D. Jones, Larry Flaxman

Marie D. Jones and Larry Flaxman are the authors of 11:11 The Time Prompt Phenomenon and The Resonance Key. They are the founders of and have been featured on many radio shows, including Coast to Coast AM With George Norry. Jones is also the best-selling author of 2013: End of Days or A New Beginning? and PSIence: How New Discoveries in Quantum Physics and New Science May Explain the Existence of Paranormal Phenomena.Flaxman is the founder and senior researcher of ARPAST, the Arkansas Paranormal and Anomalous Studies Team, and serves as technical consultant to a number of paranormal research organizations.

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