This image is the cover for the book Mortal Sin

Mortal Sin

Park Square. Mass Ave. The Combat Zone. All hometo Boston’s sex trade. Home also to runaways and lostsouls, home to high rollers and politicians looking foraction they can’t find anywhere else. It is home, too, forFather Clancy Donovan, who spends his time here trying toget young girls off the street. Bone weary and frustrated, hehas lost the joy in his life and has no idea how to get it back.

Divorced three times and not yet thirty-five, Sarah Connollyis trying hard to make a new start when life throws her acurve. Kit, her fifteen-year-old niece, has run away fromhome, and Sarah will need every ounce of her stubbornnessand determination to track her down. Suspecting Kit hasdisappeared into the Combat Zone, and with no one else toturn to, Sarah appeals to Clancy for help.

The unlikely pair team up to find Kit, but in the process findsomething else—something powerful, something unexpectedand something that will shake them to their core.

Laurie Breton
