This image is the cover for the book Bunk Bed Book

Bunk Bed Book

Everyone loves a bunk bed. Whether you are five or fifty-five, there is something about a cozy sleeping nook that excites the imagination. They also have to be an infinitely practical safe-saving solution. The Bunk Bed Book offers useful tips and advice for readers seeking bunks or nooks for their own. Chapters include The Basic Bunk (covering all varieties of two-bunk beds, both store bought and custom build), The Loft (covering single beds lofted above space or storage), The Nook (devoted to beds built into nooks in a bunk-like fashion), The Triple Bunk (stacked three high and traditional bunks with a trundle), and Bunk Rooms (the ultimate in bunk-bed room, featuring spaces with more than three beds).

Laura Fenton

Gibbs Smith