This image is the cover for the book Patchwork


Patchwork is a collection of poems on different subjects and in different styles. While some of the poems examine similar topics, they are not grouped into themes; instead, they appear in the alphabetical order of their titles thus taking the reader on a journey of adventure which is anything but predictable. Diane writes with clarity and sensitivity, creating vivid pictures with her words whether she is describing scenery or the people within it. She writes on minutiae as well as on larger-scale subjects, but always about something easily recognised in everyday life. She draws her readers into her explorations and explanations, involving them as she unravels her emotional responses, so they are never left excluded on the sidelines but become part of the poem and the experience it recounts. First published over 20 years ago, Diane's poems have appeared in many anthologies. Her first short book, Love Shades, was published in 2011 and she self-published A Ludlow Love Affair in 2015, a collection of her poems accompanied by illustrations from local artists and photographers. Her earlier books followed a specific theme; Patchwork, as its title suggests, has no theme. It can be dipped into, or read straight through. However it is read, there will be poems in this book which will resonate with many emotions and situations. This is a collection to be revisited and re-enjoyed time and again.

Diane Lyle

Diane writes in a variety of styles and on a variety of topics. She explores themes and emotions from an everyday life but gives them depth and perspective while ensuring they remain accessible to a range of readers. Her style and her topics make her poetry easy to read, easy to identify with and easy to respond to.

Austin Macauley Publishers