This image is the cover for the book A Life That Is Good

A Life That Is Good

Somewhere out there is the “good life,” and we’re all scrambling to get it. Glenn Pemberton maintains in this book that we find the so-called good life not in good things but in living well—and the biblical book of Proverbs teaches us how to live that life.

Though based on solid biblical scholarship, A Life That Is Good is not a textbook, commentary, or comprehensive study. It is instead a readable, practical guide to the wisdom found in the ancient book of Proverbs—wisdom on everyday living, speech, relationships, justice, money, and much more. Pastors and church groups in particular will love and benefit from this relevant guide regarding the message of Proverbs for today’s world.

Glenn Pemberton, Tremper Longman

Glenn Pemberton is a minister turned professor turned writer who most recently taught Old Testament studies at Abilene Christian University. His other books include Hurting with God: Learning to Lament with the Psalms.

William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company