This image is the cover for the book Best Two Out of Three

Best Two Out of Three

When Dean grows tired of looking for dates on OKCupid, he decides he'd much rather play World of Warcraft instead. He soon meets Randy, an Eredar Warrior with a penchant for sword fighting. The two men hit it off, having long discussions about table top gaming, War Machine, fan fiction, and of course, WoW. Everything about Randy seems perfect -- and for once in Dean’s life, things are going well.

When Dean searches for Randy online, he stumbles upon Randy's old life: Randy Hawkins used to be Miranda Hawkins, and is now living as a female-to-male transgender man. When the rules of their online flirting have been changed, Dean is not entirely sure what his next move will be. After agonizing for much too long about this small blip in their relationship, Dean decides to just talk to Randy, and maybe see if they can start again with no secrets.

Francis Gideon

Francis Gideon is a writer of m/m romance, but has also dabbled in mystery, historical, fantasy, sci-fi, and paranormal fiction. For more information, visit