This image is the cover for the book A Bedtime Mystery

A Bedtime Mystery

“Oh no, can you smell that odour? That smell must belong to an ogre! Yes, an ogre with a stinky smelly toe. Who thinks everyone is not a friend, but foe?” Nigel’s imagination always goes wild at bedtime. Except tonight, a brave Nigel is armed with a flashlight to explore sounds, shadows, and even smells in the night. Read along with this whimsy bedtime story and discover that imagined witches, ogres and even judo trained dingoes are not what they seem.

Talesha French

Talesha French grew up in the tourist driven town of Exmouth, in Western Australia. She married her husband the same year she graduated from high school and went on to have two beautiful children. Talesha is a doting mother who enjoys spinning imaginative story telling for her children to enjoy. The same joyfully fun tales have now made their way to your bookshelves.