This image is the cover for the book If I Can, You Can!

If I Can, You Can!

If I Can, You Can!, is a gripping story of what happens when a controlling, domineering man overpowers his wife during a long-term marriage. Reared in a home where his mother dominated his father, Roy repeats the only life cycle he knows by ridiculing Constance, checking up on her, and ruling the nest. No one suspects what happens behind the closed doors of this family home. Constance thrusts herself into her marriage, determined to be the best wife Roy could ever have. Plunging full force into the life of domestic bliss, Constance rears the children while pretending everything is fine. When her father becomes ill, Roy Suggests without remorse or regret that she suffocates him. He leaves for a while so she can follow his orders. When he returns and her father is still alive, Roy can’t understand why. Years later, when Roy continues to ‘torment and tease’, Constance opens her eyes while making a clandestine plan to end the marriage. The final straw is when Roy bullies his grandchild, and later, in a fit of rage, shakes Constance violently, striking her in the head. If I Can, You Can!, is a story with an important message. Written as a collection of narrative events, If I Can, You Can!, paints a vicious picture of the power of poisonous tongues and damaging, powerful hands, revealing the pain and betrayal of domestic violence.

Constance Turner

A teenage bride and mother, Constance Turner’s dream of a storybook marriage soon deteriorated into a horror story of abuse by her manipulative husband. She had to bide her time for the sake of her family, before making that leap of faith into the unknown of living by herself, although her psychopathic ex-husband refuses to let her go. Thus, she proved to herself and others that not only it can be done, but, for the sake of health and sanity, it has to be done. Determined to help others, she wrote this novel from the heart in the hope that anyone who is being subjugated and oppressed, will gain the determination to escape that secret, black, evil environment. Divorced for five years, Constance Turner is now independent, free-spirited, very happy and proud of her survival.

Austin Macauley Publishers